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ボリショイバレエ学校を首席で卒業。モスクワ音楽劇場バレエ団、ボストンバレエ等を経て、ベルリン国立バレエで活躍。レニングラード国立バレエに招かれ主演など世界各地でゲスト出演。パリ国際銀賞、ニューヨーク国際銅賞等受賞多数。プロデュースも手掛ける。ベルリンフィルハーモニー管弦楽団等と共演。吹田市国際交流大使、豊中市立文化芸術センター舞踊部門プログラムディレクター。「Awaji world ballet」芸術監督。情熱大陸、NHK等に出演。国内外でバレエ講師やコンクール審査員。著書「世界を踊るトゥシューズ」

Emi Hariyama


Tiaan Visser

ティアン フェッサー

Tiaan Visser is an accomplished dancer, choreographer, and instructor hailing from South Africa, with experience across multiple facets of the dance industry. 

Tiaan's extensive career began in South Africa, where he established himself by owning and running a successful dance school, guiding aspiring dancers through their formative years. He also launched his career as a dancer in some stage productions across South Africa. Beyond the stage, Tiaan became a face in the South African dance industry, starring in music videos for prominent local artists and performing at numerous corporate events, further solidifying his reputation.

Throughout his career, Tiaan has demonstrated exceptional skill and dedication as both a dancer and a choreographer. He has claimed victories at prestigious international dance competitions, including the Dance World Cup, DanceStar, and Talent America. His competitive edge has earned him numerous accolades on the global stage, cementing his status as a champion in the dance world.

As a choreographer, Tiaan works closely with competitive dancers and teams, designing routines that have led to major successes. He has choreographed and trained soloists and groups who have gone on to win titles at top-tier events such as Dance World Cup, DanceStar, and the American Dance Awards. His ability to craft innovative challenging routines has made him a coveted coach for dancers aiming to excel at the highest levels of competition.

As a judge, Tiaan brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the judging panel of dance competitions. He has judged numerous local competitions in South Africa and is a adjudicator at some of the most prestigious events, including Dance World Cup and the World Dance Challenge. His deep understanding of performance and creativity has made him a respected and valued voice in the dance community. In addition to his judging duties, Tiaan has played a pivotal role in shaping the rules and guidelines for various competitions, ensuring fairness and consistency in how performances are evaluated.

With a career spanning various sectors of the dance industry, Tiaan Visser continues to inspire, mentor, and uplift dancers worldwide, sharing his expertise both on and off the stage. His contributions to the dance community, coupled with his extensive competition experience, make him a distinguished and respected figure in the world of dance.


ロンドンスタジオセンター、プロフェッショナルダンスコースおよび日本人初英国国立ミドルセックス大学シアターダンス科、学士号取得。ロンドンスタジオセンターアンバサダー。英国最大の音楽祭”The Brits Awards” にてペットショップボ ーイズ、レディーガガのバックダンサーとしてパフォーマンス及びテレビ出演。海外留学のコンサルティングや代行業務、国内外で活躍するダンサー・講師を招いたワー クショップの開催イベントなどを行う。行政の文化芸術のプロデューサとしても活躍。

Mayumi Shoji

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